Personal Statement Mastery Program

Do you feel anxious and lost writing your personal statement? 90%+ of students are too, you are not alone.

FutureDMD & the Co-founders of The Write Choice Editing Service are here to guide you step-by-step to writing your way to the dental school of your dreams!


We’re excited to help you write your way to the dental school of your dreams! FutureDMD & the Co-founders of The Write Choice Editing Service, Shreya and Janie are here to guide you through the personal statement portion of your dental school application, from brainstorming, to writing, to editing.

The goal of our three-part series is to help your essays and overall application be the strongest they can be! Our personal statement dentistry tips will help you get into the dental school of your dreams!


Tired of paying hundreds of dollars and feeling lost from the overwhelming amount of unreliable resources on personal statement writing?

Janie & Shreya can help YOU write your way into YOUR dream dental school as they have helped hundreds of students just like you!

janie oberhauser and shreya shah

Janie Oberhauser & Shreya Shah

About Us

Janine Oberhauser (Pictured on the left)
Expert/mentor for Personal Statement Master

Graduated from the University of North Carolina, with a degree in English and Quantitative Biology. She wrote and edited the Carolina Scientific undergraduate science magazine. She currently works in the neuropathology lab at Sanford University and hopes to someday pursue a career in scientific writing.

Shreya Shah (Pictured on the right)
D1 Dental Student @
University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine

Graduated University of North Carolina with a Degree in Biology and a minor in English and Medicine, Literature and Culture. Currently attends University of Pennsylvania Dental Medicine, and hope to one day be an orthodontist!

We’re excited to help you write your way
to the dental school of your dreams!

Module #1: Structure of a great personal statement

Personal Statement Mastery Program


The personal statement is one of the most important parts of the AADSAS application, as it tells your unique story of becoming a dentist. To get started, brainstorming beforehand is key!


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. What is a dental decay and what causes dental caries?
  2. How to diagnose dental caries and possible treatments
  3. How to restore a decayed tooth using composite (white) restoration, step-by-step!
  4. Highlight the fundamental concepts learned with a comprehensive patient case review

Bonus: Our FutureDMD doctor mentor, Dr. Morris, will be our co-lecturer!

structure of a great personal statement

Module #01
Structure of a Great Personal Statement:

WHO is this Module event for?

This event is designed for predental students who are looking for tips in getting started in writing their personal statement for the application process.

Whether you are a natural writer or a person who suffers from writer’s block, this module has something for everyone! Write your way towards becoming a dentist!

I used Shreya’s services for my undergraduate Common App
essay. Her insights were very thoughtful and helped me better
shape my story! I will be attending Northwestern University, the
college of my dreams!

Module #2: Putting it all together

Personal Statement Mastery Program


The personal statement is one of the most important parts of the AADSAS application, as it tells your unique story of becoming a dentist. After brainstorming, writing the personal statement is the next step.


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. Tips to make personal statement writing more fun and curb writer’s block

  2. How to give details that “show instead of tell”

  3. Key grammatical structures to include in your statement 

Bonus: Follow through Shreya’s writing examples as she formulated her own personal statement for her dental school acceptances. Additionally, get all your personal statement writing questions answered in our live session with The Write Choice editors, Shreya and Janie! 

personal statement mastery program

Module #02
Putting it All Together

WHO is this Module for?

This event is designed for pre-dental students who are looking for tips in writing their personal statements for the application process.

Whether you are a natural writer or a person who suffers from writer’s block, this module has something for everyone! Write your way towards becoming a dentist! 

Janie edited my Common App essays when I applied to college.
She helped ensure my grammar was flawless, my writing was
concise, and that my story really shone through. I’m excited to
attend the University of Oregon in the fall!

Module #3: Polishing the final edits

Personal Statement Mastery Program


The personal statement is one of the most important parts of the AADSAS application, as it tells your unique story of becoming a dentist. After writing a draft, revising it several times is essential to presenting your best statement to the admissions committee.


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. Techniques to edit your personal statement

  2. How to check for content, redundancy, and grammar mistakes

  3. Who to ask for feedback

Bonus: Follow through Janie’s before and after examples of personal statement editing. Additionally, get all your personal statement editing questions answered and secure special discounted rates on professional essay editing in our live session with The Write Choice editors, Shreya and Janie! 

personal statement mastery program final edits

Module #03
Polishing the Final Edits

WHO is this Module for?

This event is designed for predental students who are looking for tips in editing and revising their personal statements for the application process.

Whether you are a natural writer or a person who suffers from writer’s block, this module has something for everyone! Write your way towards becoming a dentist! 

I highly recommend Shreya for personal statement editing,
whether you are in your early or later stages of writing!