Everyone has a story to share. In networking, you will meet lots of inspiring people with shared stories. This allows you to learn a vast amount of knowledge that an individual has gathered over their lifetime. Networking is important for opening yourself up to new opportunities down the road. However, if you find an individual with a relevant situation to you, as well as a passion for serving others, you can take this simple interaction of networking and elevate it to an ongoing mentorship relationship. Forming a mentor relationship with a highly successful leader is one of the top things that you can do today that will help you succeed in the future.
Read below to learn how dental mentorship can help you succeed and a BONUS about a unique mentorship opportunity.
Discover your Passion

You may be starting to think that a dental career may be right for you, but you do not know exactly what the career entails or if it is your passion. Having a mentor allows you to learn about the career before you make the financial and time investment of pursuing this path. Since your mentor has worked in the field, they can tell you about the truths and myths of the career and even offer you dental shadowing opportunities.
A mentor can explain their reason for pursuing the career and help you dive deeper into what motivates you in life and if this can be reflected in a career in dentistry. Through discussing your motivations and goals, they can then direct you toward opportunities that can help you find your passion for dentistry.
Learn How to Optimize your Pre-Dental Experience

Like having a fitness trainer or coach, having a dental mentor can help you reach your goals sooner. A dentist mentor has gone through this process before and has maybe mentored many students along the way. They have key insight on how to optimize your experiences before going to dental school and learn aspects of dentistry that are not taught in school. Experiences before starting dental school can both help you prepare to be the best student you can be while teaching you life-long skills that will transfer past dental school.
Learn What it Takes to Succeed
From extremely demanding education to dealing with potentially unhappy patients, dentistry can be an extremely tough career. It is essential that this career path aligns with who you are. Dental mentors have experience in the field and know the personality traits that are needed to succeed. They can not only help you with your WHY but also help you know if the career is what you expect. You can learn what traits make a successful dentist and reflect on if these are important traits you see yourself developing in the future.
How We Can Help

If you are feeling lost in your journey and need that extra support to keep persevering towards your goal, FutureDMD is here to serve you. Our mission is inspiring the next generation of passionate dentists while serving humanity one smile at a time. In our previous events, we have discussed the importance of finding your WHY. It is not uncommon to hear stories of dentists that are unhappy with their careers, and this is what FutureDMD wants to prevent.
We offer many different programs through our complete membership package. The package gives you exclusive access to our Monthly LIVE Inner Circle mentorship with dentist and dental students. These small mentorship groups are an opportunity for you to dive into your passions, worries, and goals and learn from our mentor leaders. Our complete package also gives you access to our other comprehensive programs and mini-workshops. Get started HERE today, so we can help you find your inspiration.
Have any more questions on how we can help you? Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.