Dental Shadowing Program: Season 1 – old

A comprehensive program custom designed to equip you with the fundamentals to dentistry so you can impress your dentists and dental schools!

“Think Like a Dentist” with Our Virtual Shadowing Program

See, learn and think like a dentist with FutureDMD’s exclusive dentist shadowing program for pre-dental students. This cutting-edge and interactive program gives you the opportunity to enrich your dental experience and knowledge, helping you solidify your career path in dentistry.

Our virtual dentist shadowing program is designed by a group of passionate dentists who want to provide students with the true insight into the world of dentistry. Be ready to learn not only the sciences of dentistry, but be inspired by the real patient case studies!

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Earn 25+ dentist-verified shadowing hours

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certificate of completion

Awarded Certificate of Completion

virtual shadowing program

Designed by dentists for pre-dental students

futuredmd programs and resources

Everything you must know for a successful live in-office dental shadowing

Start earning Verified Shadowing Hours with us today!

For only $99!

Module #1: Orthodontics 101

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. The fundamentals of orthodontics 101
  2. How to diagnose malocclusion
  3. Options for treating misaligned teeth: clear aligner therapy vs braces
  4. Highlighting the power of Invisalign Aligner therapy with a comprehensive patient case review.

Bonus: Invisalign, our proud sponsor, has provided some fun and informative videos in this session to showcase the power of their technology!



Orthodontics is a fascinating dental speciality that addresses malpositioned and misaligned teeth and jaws.

The breakout rooms and visuals provided
made it really engaging

Module #2: Composite Restoration 101

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. What is a dental decay and what causes dental caries?
  2. How to diagnose dental caries and possible treatments
  3. How to restore a decayed tooth using composite (white) restoration, step-by-step!
  4. Highlight the fundamental concepts learned with a comprehensive patient case review

Bonus: Our FutureDMD doctor mentor, Dr. Morris, will be our co-lecturer!



Restorative dentistry is the bread and butter of dentistry. This discipline of dentistry involves restoring teeth that have been decayed or broken down.

It does not only help students gain insight
about the field but also helps families in need

Module #3: Oral Surgery 101

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. The why, where, how, and what of an oral surgeon’s practice.
  2. Fundamentals of taking out a wisdom tooth step by step!
  3. Risks/complications of oral surgery
  4. How to assess, diagnose, and treatment plan for a tooth removal.
  5. A super-advanced technique to accelerate healing after surgery!

Bonus: Dr. Mike, a certified oral surgeon, will be our main lecturer for this exciting module. (Be aware it may get a little bloody…)



Oral surgery is a discipline of dentistry that can range from basic tooth removal to complex orthognathic surgery.

I love how interactive the program is compared to
other virtual shadowing experiences

Basic Shadowing

For pre-dental students

CAD $ 9 /mo

12-Monthly Payments

Most Popular

Premium Shadowing

For ambitious pre-dental students

CAD $ 15 /mo

12-Monthly Payments

All Access

For committed pre-dental students

CAD $ 19 /mo

12-Monthly Payments

Basic Shadowing

For pre-dental students

CAD $ 99 /year

Save $41!

Most Popular

Premium Shadowing

For ambitious pre-dental students

CAD $ 149 /year

Save $61!

All Access

For committed pre-dental students

CAD $ 199 /year

Save $81!

Module #4: Periodontics 101

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. How to assess and diagnose the health of the supporting structures of a tooth
  2. Difference between gingivitis vs periodontitis and why that’s important
  3. How we treat teeth with gum disease and the tools we use.
  4. A case review of gum treatment in progress (with video!)

Bonus: Dr. Irena, our passionate mentor, is will be our main lecturer for this unique discipline of dentistry. Dr. Irena holds 3 dental degrees (dental assistant, dental hygiene, dentist) and we are so lucky she has offered to share her wisdom on periodontology with us!



Periodontology is all about the supporting structures of the teeth: including and not limited to the gums and bones.

Being someone who is unsure and considering this path of
education, talking about the unhappiness and anxiety that
comes with the job made me feel more reassured and built
my confidence to pursue what I want to do

Module #5A: Fixed Prosthodontics (part 1)

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. What is a dental crown and why is it required?
  2. Different types of fixed prosthodontics, including crowns, only, inlay
  3. What are the different kinds of dental crowns?
  4. How do we prepare a tooth for a crown and the steps involved in seating a crown?

Bonus: Dr. Bruce will be showcasing multiple clinical cases of his own to highlight the importance of dental crowns, from start to finish!



Fixed Prosthodontics is a discipline that involves the artificial replacement of tooth structure or missing teeth that is fixed into the patient’s dentition.

This allowed me to think more of what a
dentist would do on the job

Module #5B: Removable Prosthodontics (part 2)

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


With our virtual shadowing dentist leading the module, you will be actively learning:

  1. What is a complete denture and partial denture?
  2. What are the components of a partial denture and why is design important
  3. What is a dental bridge and how is it different from a partial denture?
  4. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a partial denture vs dental bridge
  5. Why is the design of a dental bridge important, and what does “draw” mean when preparing the tooth for a bridge

Bonus: Dr. Bruce will be showing live videos of his cases, with an explanation step by step of how a denture is made. Also, he will be sharing one of the proudest and longest dental bridge he has made to restoring his patients function and smile!



Removable Prosthodontics is a discipline that involves the artificial replacement of tooth structure or missing teeth that can be removed by the patient and not fixed into the dentition.

The patient-focused case scenario helped me to walk
in a dentist’s shoes and think like an oral care provider

Module #6A: Implant DENTISTRY (PART 1)

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. How do we diagnose, who can receive a dental implant?
  2. What is a dental implant and how is it different from a tooth?
  3. What is a dental implant crown?
  4. Types of implant crowns (screw-retained vs. cement) and how do we restore a dental implant. How do you maintain dental implants and implant crowns?

Bonus: Dr. Morris will be demonstrating all the concepts learned with an exciting real patient case review! Expect to experience with Live Photos and videos of how a dentist is able to restore a missing molar using Dental Implantology!



Dental Implantology has been revolutionary to restoring our patient’s function and smile. Our goal is to break down this complex discipline into bite-sized, simplified concepts so you, aspiring dentists, are able to “think like a dentist”! We will be deep-diving into this exciting discipline over 2 essential parts.

I loved that this module had more opportunities for breakout rooms,
and also kept them the same throughout in order to develop a
connection with the facilitating Doctor and other students.

Module #6B: Implant DENTISTRY (PART 2)

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. How do we plan for the placement of a dental implant? (Broken down into 3 most important factors to consider)
  2. What are the biological conditions required for the placement of a dental implant?
  3. What is the step-by-step of placing a dental implant? What is brain guided vs stent guided surgery?
  4. What are bone grafting and sinus lifting, and why is it necessary in certain conditions?

Bonus: Dr. Morris will be presenting multiple patient case reviews to illustrate the concepts learned by showing how he restored his patients smile with an Anterior Immediate implant. And how he gave his patients better function by restoring his patients missing tooth in the posterior region!



Dental Implantology has been revolutionary to restoring our patient’s function and smile. Our goal is to break down this complex discipline into bite-sized, simplified concepts so you, aspiring dentists, are able to “think like a dentist”! We will be deep-diving into this exciting discipline over 2 essential parts.

The level of interaction that we got to have is probably my favorite
part. Dentistry is so collaborative so it was nice to talk and discuss
with other pre dents in the breakout rooms and get to brainstorm
with them. I really enjoyed that! It was very helpful.

FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
Successfully Accepted to Dental School @ University of Toronto
“In my experience FutureDMD is very different from a lot of the other platforms and resources that you might find online because we emphasize on helping you find your ‘why’. So the reason why you want to pursue dentistry and I think that’s very important and not emphasized enough because you really want to know what you’re getting yourself into and you want to make sure it’s something that you will love to do and hopefully become your lifelong career. I would also strongly encourage you to be part of the prudential student community because its an excellent opportunity to build leadership connections as well as friendships. I was helped by a lot of dental students and dentists from FutureDMD and now that I’m in dental school I want to do the same for you.”
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
Accepted into 5 dental schools in the US (undecided)
"My name is Manvis and I want to share a little bit about FutureDMD. I’ve always been drawn to dentistry and one of the big things for me was being able to use my hands and be able to work with my hands every day. FutureDMD is a really great program for prudential students who are interested in dentistry and might want to get a little more help and mentorship from current dental students or even dentists. One of my major issues when starting my prudential journey was how to get shadowing hours, what do I wear on my first day, and what I need to know before I start shadowing. That’s when I was first introduced to FutureDMD. It has many programs like helping you with your personal statement and your application to dental school but one of my favorites was the Dental Shadowing Preparation program."
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
"I’m a bio chemistry student at the University of British Columbia and I’m planning to apply to Canadian dental schools in the next cycle. I joined FutureDMD during the pandemic when finding personal shadow experience became nearly impossible. I had a lot of concerns about how an online shadowing platform could represent a real dental office experience, but in the end I was absolutely stunned by how much knowledge I could get at the end of each session. Each module illustrates different dental procedures in detail using real life cases and we’re encouraged to share our understanding and learning through Zoom Breakout Room and this further deepens our understanding on the materials in each session."
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
Successfully Accepted to Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
“I would highly recommend FutureDMD’s mentorship program as I think it’s a great way to discuss your motivation, your goals, and your purpose and it’s a great way to prepare for your dental school applications. I’m a third year dental student, a FutureDMD board member, and the author of many of the blogs on the website. I found out about FutureDMD in 2020 when Dr. Bruce reached out to my pre-dental club, and what I loved most about FutureDMD’s vision is the inspiring passionate dentists. I think dental school and the career of a dentist can be very grueling at times but also very rewarding. So I think it’s extremely important to find what truly inspires you about dentistry and what will motivate you as a clinician each and every day.”
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
Successfully Accepted to Dental school @ University of Sydney
“I would recommend FutureDMD to any student that is thinking about potentially pursuing dentistry as it will really open your eyes to the reality of what it’s like to be a dental student and ultimately a dentist. One of the things that stands out to me most is the live and personal aspect of FutureDmd that is really unlike any other resource out there online, especially for dentistry. Most online resources you’ll find are either just often video recordings or articles that you can just read or watch and they don’t really give the pre-dental student the opportunity to ask questions and learn from an actual live person. FutureDMD is really able to offer all of the above.”
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
Successfully Accepted to University of Alabama School of Dentistry
“I would definitely recommend FutureDMD. Not only because of its outstanding programs but also because it accounts with passionate and transparent dentists that can offer you an honest view into dentistry. When I decided to pursue dentistry in the US, I came across different challenges, for example finding experience and finding a pre-dental community that was going through a similar process as I was. Fortunately, I came across FutureDMD, which, compared to other virtual programs, was very comprehensive and highly interactive. Something I really appreciated was not only did I learn basic dental concepts, but I also learned step by step cases and had greater insight into the dental field.”
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
“From a very young age I have been fascinated by dentistry. The road to becoming a dentist is very challenging. It was difficult to find the right resources and mentorship. That’s when I stumbled upon FutureDMD. Their vision resonated with me, it’s more of a community that fosters growth. What sets FutureDMD apart is its mentorship program that is very comprehensive, fun and affordable.”
FutureDMD Success Mentorship
Mentored and Helped 3000+ Students Succeed
“My experience with FutureDMD has been absolutely incredible and I owe a lot to their programs for enriching my pre-dental journey. The reason I think FutureDMD and all of their programs are worthwhile is because they’re very comprehensive. You get to learn about logistics for example studying for the DAT, writing a personal statement and even a lot of the shadowing materials that can really help you enrich your experience.”

Module #7: Endodontics 101

Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. Root anatomy of teeth, and how are they different
  2. How do we diagnose the health of a tooth?
  3. Step by step of a root canal – start to finish!

Bonus: Dr. Aarman, our expert FutureDMD mentor, will be sharing his passion for root canal treatment with our students. He will be guiding you through this discipline using cool videos and real-life cases to allow each of you to “think like a dentist”! If you’re ready to explore this exciting topic, register now to join us! (Limited Seats)



In this module, we are excited to be unravelling one of the most fascinating, yet mysterious disciplines of dentistry: Endodontics (Root Canal 101).

Why is it so mysterious? Because you are learning the intricate and complex anatomy of the dental pulp which is hidden within each tooth! You will be challenged to “think like a root canal expert” as you learn how a dentist can immediately relieve pain for their patients and manage an infected tooth!

This module was very informative. Although I was not able to shadow
in real life this year, I feel like I am not as behind as I would be.


Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. The difference between primary (baby) vs. permanent (adult) dentition. (Anatomy and eruption)
  2. Strategies to manage children’s fear of dentistry
  3. Diagnosis & treatment of primary teeth

Bonus: Dr. Irena, our expert FutureDMD mentor, will share her passion for treating children in her dental practice. She will take you through the fundamental concepts of Pediatric Dentistry and showcase real clinical cases to allow each of you to “think like a dentist!”



Pediatric Dentistry is a challenging and fun discipline involving the management and treatment of primary teeth! Treating children’s teeth is quite different from treating adults’ teeth! In this online dental shadowing module, you’ll understand child behavior and how managing their fear is crucial to becoming successful pediatric dentists!

I loved learning more about the specialty and branch of
periodontics. Although I would like to be a General dentist, I am not
opposed to the idea of learning or entering a specialty in the future.
It is nice to learn about different areas of dentistry that one may
pursue after dental school.


Interactive Dental Shadowing Externship Module


In this module you will be actively learning:

  1. Fundamental principles for a beautiful smile
  2. Diagnosis and treatment planning for a smile case
  3. Importance of the lab’s role
  4. Step by step of creating a transformative smile

Bonus: Dr. Bruce, will be sharing a life-altering full upper smile case from his office. We will be taking you step by step through what goes on in the mind of a cosmetic dentist. You will have a unique opportunity to “think” critically like a smile artist. By the end of the module, you can expect to be inspired by the unique skillsets dentists hold to profoundly impact someone’s life.



We promised and delivered to our pre-dental students 8 fascinating dental shadowing modules to inspire and strengthen the WHY: covering almost all the disciplines of dentistry Because we had so much fun inspiring our aspiring passionate dentists, we would like to present you with a Bonus module!

Have you ever wondered why and how some celebrities like Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus have such perfect glowing smiles?

Cosmetic dentistry not only is an art but beautifying one’s smile takes much precision in the planning process. In this module, you will be learning how a few pieces of porcelain can be life-transforming. Completing this extra module will maximize your chances for dental school admissions.

I loved the Future DMD modules! This is was my fourth module and I
loved how we go over information from previous modules because it
really is that important! I always learn something new and really
enjoy hearing more detailed lectures from the other dentists/doctors
as well. It is such a well organized and collaborative event, I wouldn’t
want to miss a module!
– Jennifer S.